Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 – 1858

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 12 – December 1858
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. Tumour in the Abdomen of a Dog; Communications and Cases. Tumour in the Abdomen of a Dog. Description of the Post-Mortem Appearances by Assistant - Professor Varnell; Communications and Cases. Tumour in the Abdomen of a Dog. The Effects of the Tumour Upon the Abdominal And the Thoracic Viscera;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 11 – November 1858
Articles Include: The Introductory Address, Delivered by the Principal - Professor Spooner, at the Opening of the Scholastic Session at the Royal Veterinary College, Oct., 1858; Communication and Cases. A Case of Nasal Gleet Simulating Glanders; Communication and Cases. Singular Case Of Ulcerative Disease, of the Region of the Guttural Pouch and Fauces;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 10 – October 1858
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. On Antimony and Some of its Compounds; Communications and Cases. The Purchase of Horses at the Cape of Good Hope for the Army in India; Communications and Cases. Description of the Favourite Charger of the Late Maharajah Runjeet Sing;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 9 – September 1858
Articles Include: Communications and Cases. The Formation of a New Veterinary Society; Communications and Cases. Diseased Heart of a Cow; Communications and Cases. Disease in the Eyes of Cattle;
Communications and Cases. Roaring in a Horse, with the Successful Adoption if a Mechanical Contrivance for its Relief;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 8 – August 1858
Articles Include: Some of the Compounds Resulting from the Decomposition of Vegetables; Communication and Cases. Fracture of the Tibia; Communication and Cases. Rupture of the Diaphragm;
Communication and Cases. Inversion of the Bladder;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 7 – July 1858
Articles Include: Communication and Cases. Rupture of the Vagina, and Escape of the Intestines, of a Parturient Mare, with Simultaneous Abortion in Second Mare; Communication and Cases. The Continental Laws Relating to Warranty and Soundness;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 6 – June 1858
Articles Include: Communication and Cases. The Position Assumed by the Fore-Foot of the Horse in the Varied Movements of the Limb; Communication and Cases. On Warranty of Soundness; Communication and Cases. On "Gut-Tie";...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 5 – May 1858
Articles Include: Communication and Cases. Comments on the Case of Barrett v Preece; Comments on the Late Mr. Brown's Bequest; Communication and Cases.Communication and Cases. Partial Change of Structure in the Heart of a Horse. Sudden Death;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 4 – April 1858
Articles include: Communication and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness of Horses. To the Members of the Veterinary Profession; Communications and Cases. Hemiplegia; Disease of the Heart and Intestines, and Some Other Affections Incidental to Horses in India;Communications and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness of Horses;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 3 – March 1858
Articles Include: On the Permanganate of Potassa; Communication and Cases. Poisoning of Two Steers with Yew; Communication and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 2 – February 1858
Articles include: On Deoderizers and Disinfectants; Communications and Cases. Rupture of the Lateral Sinus of the Brain of a Horse; Communications and Cases. On Paralysis; Communications and Cases. On the Sate of the Profession; Communications and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 31 Issue 1 – January 1858
Articles Include: On Life Assurance; Communications and Cases. On Soundness and Unsoundness in Horses; Communications and Cases. Poisoning of Horses with Arsenic; Communications and Cases. Action of Nicotine on the Hedgehog;Communications and Cases. Navicularthritis Terminating in "Groggy Lameness";...