Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 – 1853

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 12 – December 1853
Articles Include: Prolapsus Ani; Replies to Questions; Scrotal Hernia with Hydrocele; Fracture of the Os Hyoides; Veterinary Jurisprudence. Breach of Warranty. Phillips v. Cane; Veterinary Jurisprudence. A Kidney Dropper. Lambeth Police Office; Reviews. The Diseases of the Chest and Air-Passages of the Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 11 – November 1853
Articles include: Diseases of Animals in India Similar to Asiatic Cholera; Curious Case; Running Horses at Immature Ages; Prevention of the Sale and Exposure of Glandered Horses; James Turner's Letter to his Brother Veterinarians; Review. The Deteriorated Condition of our Saddle-Horses, the Causes and the Remedy. The State of our Cavalry, and the Imperfect System under which this Force, and that of our Army Generally, is Administered;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 10 – October 1853
Articles include: ; On the Conformation of Horses with Reference to their feet, and to Shoeing; Frightful Wound Inflicted by a Horse, of the 13th Light Dragoon, on his Own Body, On the Occasion of the Late Encampment on Chobham Common; Prolapsus Ani; Ulcerated Intestine; Disease of the Rectum; Belladonna in Tetanus;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 9 – September 1853
Articles include: On the Manufacture of Horse-Shoes; Disease of the Ureter and Bladder; Probable Fracture of the Ileum; Gastro-Enteritis; General Disease in Mare; Veterinary Jurisprudence. Horse Warranty. - Extraordinary Case; Veterinary Jurisprudence. Downpatrick Assizes, Saturday, July 23. Magennis v. Hunter;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 8 – August 1853
Articles include: On Bursautee, A Disease of the Horses of India; Cases of Suppressed Strangles, ETC; Gentian and Aloes; Pseudo-Veterinary Surgeons; Royal Veterinary College; Remarks on the Editor's Comments on "Smart v. Maunder"; Prolapsus Ani Cured by Excision;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 7 – July 1853
Articles include: Action of Medicines - Gentian with Aloes - and Tatar Emetic; Action of Potassio-Tartrate of Antimony; What is Spavin; Major's British Remedy; Rupture of the Diaphragm, with Thoracic Hernia; Upon the Treatment of Open Joint; Inversion and Rupture of the Uterus;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 6 – June 1853
Articles include: Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Cramps of the Flexor Muscles of the Head and Neck; Phlebitis; Tumours in the Ventricles of the Brain; Tumours in the Lateral Ventricles of the Brain; Hydrophobia in Sheep; Epidemiological Society;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 5 – May 1853
Articles Include: Major's "British Remedy"; British Remedy; Rupture of the Stomach; Rupture of the Diaphragm and Stomach with Thoracic Hernia; Major's British Remedy; Reviews. A Treatise on Farriery; Comprising the Art of Shoeing Horses and Other Domestic Animals, in Relation to Defects of Aplomb, Malformations, and Diseases of the Foot...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 4 – April 1853
Articles include: Farcy in a Cow; Tubercular Abscess in a Stirk (or Steer); Occasional Ill-Consequences of the Operation of Bloodletting; On the Internal Use of the Acetate of Lead; Compound Fracture of the Jaw; On the Nature and Treatment of Distemper; Glanders or Not?; Wound in the Abdomen: Removal of Omentum...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 3 – March 1853
Articles include: Diseases of Horses Endemic to India; Agricultural and Veterinary Science; Speed, or Black Leg; Shoeing of Cavalry Horses; Major's British Remedy; Shrewsbury Great Annual Horse Fair, 1853 (Caution); Reviews. A Treatise on Farriery; Comprising the Art of Shoeing Horses and Other Domestic Animals, in Relation to Defects of Aplomb, Malformations and Diseases of the Foot;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 2 – February 1853
Articles include: Aloes and Gentian; District Veterinary Surgeons; A Few Observations on Administering Narcotics to Horses; The New Horse; Memoranda of Shoeing; Disease of the Penis; Veterinary Jurisprudence; Foreign Department. A New Memoir on Pleuro-Pneumonia ;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 26 Issue 1 – January 1853
Articles include: Fracture of the Pelvis, Fracture of the Second Cervical Vertebra, Sacculous Dilatation of the Oesophagus, A Remedy for Colic, Review. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Royal Society fort the Preservation of Cruelty to Animals. 1852,
Foreign Department. The Horse in Asia and Africa ...