Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 – 1848

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 12 – December 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Diseases of the Bursae Mucosae and Synovial Sheaths; Frontal and Lateral Fissures in the Hoof, known under the General Term of "Sandcrack", Easily and Speedily Cured by Isolation; Influenza, Followed by Rheumatism; Genital and General Visceral Disease in a Young Sow;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 11 – November 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Diseases of the Bursae Mucosae and Synovial Sheaths; Case of Diseased Kidney and Ruptured Stomach; Vermifuge Vapours. Ethers, Chloroform, Oil of Turpentine, or Rectified Oil of Amber, Used Singly or Combined, Effectual Therapeutic Agents for the Destruction of Strongylus and Filaria in the Bronchial Passages of Calves, through Nasal Inhalation;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 10 – October 1848
Articles include: Improved Blinds and Castration Hopples; Changes in the Nature and Character of Diseases in Horses; Abscess of the Brain; Remarks on Registration and Uncertificated Practitioners; Fractured Limbs of Horses; Fracture of the Cartilage of the Foot;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 9 – September
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Ringbone; Observations on the Action of Ether and Chloroform on Animals; Retention of the Foetus in a Cow - Band or Ligament Across the Vagina at the Mouth of the Os Uteri - and Pleuro-Pneumonia; False labour; Extraction of Two Lambs, Two Heads Presenting Pains in a Heifer;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 8 – August 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Shoulder Lameness; "Marshall's Specific for Diseases of the Eye of the Horse"; Protracted Parturition in the Sheep; Pericarditis in a Cow, Supervising on Difficult and Protracted Parturition; Review. A Practical Treatise on Variola Ovina, or Small-Pox in Sheep; Containing the History of its Recent Intriduction into England; with the Progress, Symptoms, and Treatment of the Disease; also the Experiments Instituted to Ascertain its Peculiar Features, and the Best Means to Avert its Fatal Consequences. Illustrated with Coloured Plates;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 7 – July 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Shoulder Lameness; Case of Adhesions of the Intestines, Prefaced by Some Remarks on Passing Professional Events; Extraordinary Fact in Utero-Gestation; Diseases of the Heart, Liver, Brain, and Intestines in Lambs; Case of Hock Lameness and Fracture of the Tibia;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 6 – June 1848
Articles include: Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Fourth Annual Report of the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to the Members of the Profession; Finance Report of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, As Passed in Council;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 5 – May 1848
Articles include: Memorial. To the Right Honourable Sir George Grey, Bart. Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department. The Memorial of the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Lameness in Horses. Neurotomy;
The Veterinary Profession;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 4 – April 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Neurotomy; A Few Remarks on Pleuro-Pneumonia, Addressed to the Agriculturists of Great Britain; Cases of Quittor, Ruptured Vein, and Parturient Apoplexy; The State of Affairs at the Royal Veterinary College;May not Chloroform Prove Useful in the Slaughter-House;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 3 – March 1848
Articles include:Abstract of the Charter. Applied for by the President and Governors of the Royal Veterinary College of London, and the President and Directors of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland; Reply of the Council to the Proposed; Observations on the Causes of Decline in our Stock of Good Horses, on Breeding, and on Queen's Plates and Racing Charter;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 2 – February 1848
Articles include: Lameness in Horses. Neurotomy; Contributions to Zoological Pathology [From the Annales de Chemie et de Physique, vol. 83, anno 1843] On the "Verminous Alterations" of the blood of the Dog, as Determined by the Great Number of "Hematozairs" of the Genus Filaria;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 21 Issue 1 – January 1848
Articles include: Effects on the Chloroform on the Horse; An Unusual Kind of Lameness and Poll-Evil Caused by Entozoa; Veterinary Education; Three Cases of Disease in Sows; Pleurisy - Rheumatic Inflammation - Hyper - Trophy of the Heart - Death; Two Cases of Pseudo-Glanders Cured with Creasote;...