Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 – 1846

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 12 – December 1846
Articles include: Firing for Spavin; Curious Case of Volvulus Ilei; Opened Joint Successfully Treated with Bi-Chloride of Mercury; Case of Difficult Parturition in a Cow; Remarks on the Present State of Veterinary Affairs; Mr. Mayhew to the Editors of the "The Veterinarian";

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 11 – November 1846
Articles include: Treatment of Spavin. Firing; Remarks on "A Lecture on the Organization of Living Beings,"; Remarks in Reference to those Made by Mr. Gavin on Sedatives and Toxicatives; The Apprenticeship Clause Considered; A Case of Ascites in the Horse; Disease of the Fetlock Joint of a Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 10 – October 1846
Articles include: The Complete History of a Case of Nasal Gleet, Formerly, and by Some Even at the Present Day Called "Glanders"; Intus-Susception in a Cow; A Few Remarks on the Use of Sedatives and Toxicatives in Tetanus; Farther Remark on Breech Presentation in Cows;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 9 – September 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Treatment of Spavin; Veterinary Obstetricy. Vaginal Cystocele, or Inversion of the Bladder; Forward Mouths for their Ages; Polypus in the Throat of a Heifer Eradicated by Torsion; The Hoddeson Agricultural Institution; Deformity of the Os Frontis from Glanders;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 8 – August 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Remedies for Spavin; On the Bony Diseases of the Hock; Intestinal Ansarca, with Ascites; Inversion of the Uterus in a Cow; Cases of Difficult Parturition in Cows; A Contrast; A Very Serious and Fatal Disease Among Sheep (Traumatic Erythema);...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 7 – July 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Treatment of Spavin; A Visit to Alfort in 1844; Contributions to Zoological Anatomy; Extraordinary Mode of Taming and Breaking-In Horses; Singular Length of Interval Between the Births of Twin Calves; Cases of Strangulated Small Intestine in a Mare, and Broken Leg in a Bullock;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 6 – June 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Pathology of Spavin; Remarks on Tetanus; On the Pathological History of Glanders; A Letter from Mr. Mayhew. In Reply to Mr. Barlow's Paper in Our Last Number; A Case of Partial Paralysis in a Bay Cob; Honourable Horse Dealers;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 5 – May 1846
Articles include: Observations on the Present Standing of the Veterinary Art, and Suggestions for it Improvements; On the Efficacy of Glue Used as Adhesive Plaster; Letter from Mr. Mogford, Guernsey, on Corns in Horns; A Pattern for a Veterinary Annuity Fund;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 4 – April 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Pathology of Spavin; A Second Letter from Mr. Baker on the Formation of a Veterinary Annuity Fund; Veterinary Annuity Fund; Perforation of the Scull to Draw off the Water , for the Cure of Hydrocephalus in Cattle; Immoderate Thirst in a Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 3 – March 1846
Articles include: Lameness. Spavin; On Metacarpitis; Veterinary Obstetricy: The Various Presentations and Methods of Extracting the Foetus; On the Certificate of Veterinary Surgeons; A Case of Laceration of the Colon; On Blood-Letting; Communication of the Epidemic from the Cow to the Human Being;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 2 – February 1846
Articles include: Lameness; The Royal Veterinary College and its Fitness; Reflections on Gastro-Eneteritis and Influenza; Splent; On the Certificates Given by Veterinary Surgeons to the Purchasers and Venders of Horses; Account of Cases of Disease Occuring among Domesticated Animals at the Edinburgh Veterinary College, from the 1st to the 31st of December, Inclusive;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 19 Issue 1 – January 1846
Articles include: Extraordinary Case of Disease in the Heart of a Horse (Condylomatous Sarcoma of the Valves); Mr. W. A. Cherry's Rejoinder to Mr Wright ; Suggestions for the Establishment of a General Annuity Fund, for the Benefit of Infirm and Incapacitated Members of the Veterinary Profession, their Widows and Orphans;...