Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 – 1845

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 12 – December 1845
Articles include: Lameness; On Carpitis; Veterinary Obstetricy. The Various Presentations and Methods of Extracting the Foetus; Further Remarks on Coronitis, in Reply to Mr. W. A. Cherry; Account of Cases of Disease Occuring among Domesticated Animals at the Edinburgh Veterinary College, from the 1st to the 31st of October, Inclusive;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 11 – November 1845
Articles include: On Carpitis; On Veterinary Obstetricy - Extraction of the Foetus; False Presentation in a Cow - Rupture of the Uterus; The Cattle Epidemic; Description of the Cattle Plague; A Case of Amputation of the Penis; Effects of Medicine on Horses; Account of Cases of Disease Occuring among Domesticated Animals at the Edinburgh Veterinary College, from the 1st to the 30th of September, Inclusive;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 10 – October 1845
Articles include: Rheumatic Lameness; A Case of Inflammation and Loss of Sight; Remarks on the Improvement of the Veterinary Examinations; Account of Cases of Disease Occuring Among Domesticated Animals at the Edinburgh Veterinary College, from the 1st to the 31st of August, Inclusive;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 9 – September 1845
Articles include: Lameness. Class I. Lamemess Arising from Diseases of Joints and Bursae Mucosae. General Observations on the Diseases of Joints; Division of Both Flexor Tendons of the Hind Legs in a Cob Gelding; Communications and Consultations; Remarks on Mr. W . A . Cherry's Paper on Coronitis;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 8 – August 1845
Articles include: Lameness; Inversion of the Uterus in a Sow, Inversion of the Uterus in a Ewe, Megrims in a Horse; Megrims in a Cow; On Coronitis; Case of Strangulated Phrenic Hernia; Case of Amputation of the Penis of a Horse; Abscesses of the Guttural Pouches in a Cow, Cured by Operation;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 7 – July 1845
Articles Include: Lameness; On the Teeth; Rupture of the Aorta in a Horse; Scirrhous Disease of the Heart of a Horse; On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Laminated Structures of the Foot of the Horse; Effects of Mercury on the Horse; Bronchitis, Pleurisy, and Consumption in Cattle;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 6 – June 1845
Articles include: Lameness; The Age of the Horse; On Hydrocyanic Acid as a Poisonous Agent; Influenza, Assuming the Typhoid Form, with Great Prostration of Strength; The Veterinary Surgeon Considered Relative to his Condition and his Present and Future Prospects ;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 5 – May 1845
Articles include: Glanders and Farcy in Man; On Specific Gravities; On the Pathology of Cattle; Indigestion with Meteorization; Cases of Iodine; Singular Attempt to Bleed a Cow; A Case of Melanosis; Effects of Mesmerism on Brutes; Induction of Nebulous Cornea and Conjunctival Counter-Irritation in the Treatment of Specific Opthalmia;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 4 – April 1845
Articles include: Observations on Influenza in Horses; with Reference to its Character as it Appeared in the Years 1832-1836, 1840-1844; Compte Rendu of the Proceedings of the Royal Veterinary School at Alfort During the Scholastic Year 1843-44; Case of Enteritis Suddenly Relieved if not Recovered through the Application of the Actual Cautery to the Abdomen;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 3 – March 1845
Articles include: Seat and Nature of Farcy; The French Army Veterinary Surgeons. Report to his Majesty; Table of the Pay and Allowances of Army Veterinary Surgeons; A Singular Removal of a Bony Calculus; Interesting Cases of Staling of Blood; Cases of Dropping After Calving;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 2 – February 1845
Articles include: The Present Epidemic Among Horses; Epizootic Pleuro-Pneumonia; Curious Case Connected with Phlebotomy; An Account of the Goitre in Montreal | Abomasumitis in the Rearing of Hand-Fed Calves; Cramp in a Horse; On Homeopathy. Homeopathic Treatment of Glanders and Farcy;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 18 Issue 1 – January 1845
Articles include: Nature of Glanders; Veterinary Onstetricy. Prolapsus Uteri-Inversion of the Uterus, or "Throwing the Reid Down"; An Abstract of the History of the Late Epizootic (Pleuro-Pneumonia) in the British Empire; On the Diseases of Dogs. Maladie: Cough,Glanders, Catarrgh,Coryza, and Gastro-Bronchitis;...