Index to ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 – 1844

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 12 – December 1844
Articles include: The History of Glanders. From the Earliest Times Down to the Present; with the Opinions of Authors Concerning its Seat and Nature; Two Cases of Abcess in the Umbilical Arteries of the Bladder, or Round Ligaments; and a Case of Double Bladder, in Calves;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 11 – November 1844
Articles include: Glanders. The Miasm of the Stable; On the Distemper Among Cattle; Death of a Pony from a Sponge Getting into the Windpipe; An Address to Students; Cattle and Horse Insurance; An Essay on Fat and Muscle; The Veterinary Profession - The Charter;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 10 – October 1844
Articles include: Glanders; Contributions to Zoological Anatomy. VII - On the Structure and Uses of the Tongue, Considered as an Organ of Taste and of Prehension in Graminivourous and Herbivourous Animals; An Essay on Fat and Muscle; The Veterinary Profession - The Charter;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 9 – September 1844
Articles include: Glanders; An Account of a Singular Mortality Among Cattle; An Account of the Treatment of Some Valuable Cattle; Case of Scarlatina or Pupura Haemorrhagica, Accompanied by General Tumefaction; Veterinary Science; Bloodstone at the New Stakes;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 8 – August 1844
Articles include: Lectures on Horses; A Singular Case of Gastro-Enteritis in the Horse; Medical Examinations; The Art of Approaching, Seizing, and Taming Domesticated Animals; Ascites in a Sow; A Case of Illness in a Boar Pig;Cases of Inversion and Excision of the Uterus in the Cow and Sheep;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 7 – July 1844
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. The Trot; Contributions to Zoological Pathology. VII. - On the Nature of Polypus in the Ear of the Dog; On the Effects of Iodine; Liebig Reviewed; A Case of Inversion and Excision of the Uterus in a Sow; On the Chloride of Lime...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 6 – June 1844
Articles include: Lectures on Horses; Contributions to Zoological Pathology. VI. - On the normal Structure and Abnormal Conditions of the larynx in the Horse. Muscles of the Larynx; A supposed Case of Death in a Horse from Tuberculated Affection of the Lungs;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 5 – May 1844
Articles include: The Royal Charter of Incorporation of Veterinary Surgeons; Summons of the First General Meeting of Veterinary Surgeons; Contributions to Zoological Pathology. IV.- On the Structure of the Synovial Sulci of the Hock, and Ginglymoid Joints Generally, in the Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 4 – April 1844
Articles include: The Royal Charter of Incorporation of Veterinary Surgeons; Summons of the First General Meeting of Veterinary Surgeons; Contributions to Zoological Pathology. IV.- On the Structure of the Synovial Sulci of the Hock, and Ginglymoid Joints Generally, in the Horse;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 3 – March 1844
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. Progression; Contributions to Zoological Pathology. On Congenital Malformations of the Hip Joint; Laminitis - Acute Founder - Fever in the Feet; Consultation.- No. XXXI. A Singular Affection of the Chest in a Horse; On the Use of Tartrate of Antimony and the Chloride of Mercury in the Treatment of the Dog;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 2 – February 1844
Articles include: Lectures on Horses. The Act of Standing; Contributions to Zoological Pathology. Part II.-On Sudden Death by Suffocation, Consequent on "Primitive Oedema Glottidis"; The Ancient History of the Ox. Remarks on Early Maturity, Breeding from the Nearest Affinities, and Crosses;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 17 Issue 1 – January 1844
Articles include: The Veterinarian; Cases of Quarter-Evil, or Striking; The Christmas Show of Cattle; On the Sudden Loss of Vital Power; On the Use of Tobacco for Horses; The Veterinary Art in India; A Case of Ventral Hernia;...