Abstract of the Proceedings of the Veterinary Medical Association – ‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 – 1840-41
Articles include: An Abstract of the Proceedings of the Veterinary Medical Association During the Scholastic Session 1840-41. By Order of the Council. November 2, 1840; An Essay on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Teeth of Domesticated Animals;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 12 – December 1841
Articles include: Introductory Lectures; Professor Spooner's Oration; Professor Morton's Lectures on Chemistry; Mr Mayer's Operation; The Veneral Disease of Horses, and its Connexion with Glanders and Farcy; An Occasional Cause of Death in Sheep;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 11 – November 1841
Articles include: On the Present State of the Veterinary Profession; A Case of Stomach Staggers in a Mare; Consultations. No. XXIII. Obscure Lameness; A Short Historical Research on the Epizootic, Which has Lately Appeared and is Still Prevailing in Many Parts of England;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 10 – October 1841
Articles include: Respiration, The Mechanism and Characters of, in Diseases of the Chest; Inflammation of the Lining Membrane of the Left Ventricle of the Heart in a Cow; Cases of Carditis; Diseased Tricuspid Valves in the Left Ventricles if the Hearts of Pigs;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 9 – September 1841
Articles include: On the Unilateral or Three-Quartered Shoe; On the Absorption of Cataracts; Glanders in the Human Subject; Effusion into the Cavity of the Chest, Caused by the Accidental Introduction of a Stocking Needle;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 8– August 1841
Articles include: A Case of Enlarged Thymus Gland in a Horse; Gastro-Enteritic Fever in Pigs; Excision of the Uterus from a Sow.- A Case of Black-Water in a Cow. - An Obscure Case of Internal Effusion;

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 7 – July 1841
Articles include: Respiration, its Mechanism and Characters Abstractedly Considered; On the Absorption of the Opaque Capsule of the Crystalline Lens; A Case of Hepatitis in a Horse; A Case of Vomiting in a Cow; Disorganization or Granular Degeneration of the Kidneys in a Sheep;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 6 – June 1841
Articles include: The Present Epidemic among Cattle; Respiration, its Mechanism and Characters Abstractedly Considered; Cases of Rabies and Congestion of the Brain; Congestion of the Brain in a Calf Two Months old; Compte Rendu of the Labours of the Professor of Pathology in the School of Lyons, in the Scholastic year 1839-40;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 5 – May 1841
Articles include: Observations on the Present Epizootic among Horses; On the Same Subject; On the Epidemic among Cattle; Consultations. No. XXI. On Drenching Cattle; Consultations. No. XXI. On Drenching Cattle. Reply; A Case of Endocarditis, Inflammation of the Inner Lining of the Heart;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 4 – April 1841
Articles include: On the Prevailing Disease in Cattle, Sheep, and Swine; On the Present Epidemic among Cattle; On the Present Epidemic among Cattle, &c; A Case of Malignant Epidemic; Respiration, its Mechanism and Characters Abstractedly Considered;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 3 – March 1841
Articles include: A Case of Scarlatina Maligna in a Horse; On Melanosis; On Punctured Wounds of the Joints; Observations on the Present Epidemic among Cattle; Observations on the Present Epidemic; On the Prevailing Epidemic Amongst Cattle, Sheep, &c;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 2 – February 1841
Articles include: The Geological History of the Horse; Observations on the Present Epidemic Among Cattle; Polypus in the Larynx of Cow, and Abscess in the Arytenoid Muscles; Cases of Hermaphrodism; A Reply to Mr. Cartwright's Letter on the Supposed Abuses at the Royal Veterinary College;...

‘The Veterinarian’ Vol 14 Issue 1 – January 1841
Articles include: Advice to Veterinary Students; Albuminous Urine; Consultations. No. XVII. Osteo-Sarcoma in a Cow; Consultations. No. XVIII. Superfoetation and Clyers; No. XIX. Warranty; On the Rationale of Clipping; A Case of Neurotomy in a Cow;...