Townson, Robert – “Tracts and Observations in Natural History and Physiology” (1799)
Chapters include: Physiological Observations on the Amphibia - Dissertation the First on Respiration, Anatomy of the Instruments of Respiration, On the Absorption of the Amphibia...

Coleman, Edward – “Instructions for the Use of Farriers Attached to the British Cavalry and to the Honourable Board of...
Chapters include: Instructions for the Use of Farriers in Regiments of Cavalry, Inflammation of the Eyes, Inflammation of the Chest...

St.Bel, Charles Vial de – “Plan for establishing an institution to cultivate and teach veterinary medicine” (19, Mar 1790)
Excerpt: The general affluence of all orders of people in England, and the universal ardour for improving arts and perfecting institutions, by means of which, the interests of mankind at large have been eminently served, and the stock of human knowledge almost incredibly extended. In reverting to these establishments, we may discern the efficacy of opulence and patriotism uniting for the public service;...

Bridges, Jeremiah, ‘No Foot, No Horse: An Essay on the Anatomy of the Foot of that Noble and Useful Animal...
Chapters include: Treatise on the Feet of a Horse: Part I, Chap I - Of a Horse's Feet, and the Parts which compose them., Treatise on the Feet of a Horse: Part I, Chap II - Of the Use of the Parts of a Horse's Feet, in the same Order, as recited in the forgoing Chapter., Treatise on the Feet of a Horse: Part I, Chap III - Remarks on the Various Kinds of Feet and Hoofs met with in Horses, Treatise on the Feet of a Horse: Part I, Chap IV..

Vegetius Renatus, – “Of the Distemper of Horses, and of the Art of Curing them: as also of the Diseases...
Contents Include: Translator's Preface; Index of the Chapters. Book First; Index of the Chapters. Book Second; Index of the Chapters. Book Third; Index of the Chapters. Book Fourth; Original Words frequently used in this Translations; The Preface; Book I. Chapter I. Of the Signs whereby the Sickness of Animals may be known...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 1 (1683)
Chapters include: Chap. I. Of the Parts investing the whole Body, and first of the Hair, Chap. II. Of the Cuticle or Scarf-skin, Chap. III. Of the Cutis or true Skin, Chap. IV. Of the fleshy Pannicle, Chap. V. Of the Fat, and the Common Membrane of the Muscles...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 2 (1683)
Chapters include: Chap. I. Of the investing and circumscribing Parts of the Chest, Chap. II. Of the Muscles of the Middle Venter or Chest, called the Intercostal Muscles, Chap. III. Of the Pleura, or Coat which invests or lines the Ribs on the Inside, Chap. IV. Of the Midriff or Diaphragm...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 3 (1683)
Chapters include: Chap. I. Of the Head and Animal Part's contained therein, Chap. II. Of the Brain in general, Chap. III. Of the several Parts of the Brain, viz. that which is strictly called the Brain, the Cerebellum or After-brain, and the Spinal Marrow, Chap. IV . Of the Spinal Marrow contained within and without the Skull.

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 4 (1683)
Chapters include: Chap. I. Containeth a description of the several sorts of Flesh, and an Apology for not expressing the Muscles so particularly in Figures as I have done other Parts of the Body, Chap. II. Of the Muscles of the Eye-lids, Chap. III. Of the Muscles of the Eye, Chap. IV. Of the Muscles of the Nose, Chap. V. Of the Muscles of the Lips and Cheeks...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Book 5 (1683)
Chapters include: Book V. Of the Bones, Chap. I. Of the nature, definition, differences and parts of the Bones, Chap. II. Of the Sutures or Seams of the Head, Chap. III. Of the proper Bones of the Skull, Chap. IV. Of the Bones common to the Skull and upper Jaw, Chap. V. Of the Jaw-bones and their Parts...

Snape, Andrew – “The Anatomy of an Horse” Appendix (1683)
Chapters include: Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: The Preface, Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: Chap. I. Of the Vegetation of Seeds, particularly of a Wheat-corn, Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: Chap. II. Of the first rudiment of an Egg, and what way it passes to the…, Section I. Of the Generation of Animals.: Chap. III. By what means and degrees a Chicken is formed out of an Egg...

Spackman, Thomas – “Of The Madde Dogge…” (1613)
"Of The Madde Dogge: together with the Cure of those most dangerous wounds and fearefull accidents, hapning to man and beast through their bitings." Published 1613

Vegetius, – “Artis veterinariae, sive Mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aedii. Opus sane in rebus medicis minime...
Contents Include: Artis veterinariae, sive Mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aedii.Opus sane in rebus medicis minime aspernandum; Illustrissimo Principi Ferdinando Regi Hungaria, Bohemiae &c [Illustrious Prince, King Ferdinand of Hungary, Bohemia etc.]; Epistola Dedicatoria. Serenissimo Ac Ilustrissimo Principi D. Ferdinando, Regi Hugariae, Bohemiae, Archiduci Austriae, Duci Burgandiae, &c. Domino…
Epistola Dedicatoria [Letter Dedication];...