14 – ‘Breaking and Training.- Their errors and their results’
Original watercolour painting of two foals outside, one with a harness. The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 510.

13 – ‘Breeding.- Its inconsistencies and its disappointments’
Original watercolour painting of an adult and young horse outside. The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 481...

12 – ‘Points.- Their relative importance and where to look for their development’
Original watercolour paintings of a horse walking.The paintings were used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 422...

11 – ‘Horse Dealers.- Who they are : their mode of dealing : their profits : their morality and their...
Original watercolour painting.The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 418...

10 – ‘Grooms.- Their prejudices, their injuries, and their duties’
Original watercolour painting of stable building plans. The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 366.

9 – ‘Stables as they should be’
Original sketches. The images were used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 329 and 343...

8 – ‘The so-called “incapacitating vices,” which are the results of injury or of disease’
'...when accompanying a gig on horseback never ride close behind the vehicle'. Original watercolour painting. The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864)...

7 – ‘The Faults inseparable from most present erections which are used as stables’
Original watercolour painting showing the difference in hips from a rear view of the horse. The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 256...

6 – ‘The Evils which are occasioned by modern stables’
Original watercolour painting of horses in a stable. The painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 217...

5 – ‘Food.- The fittest time for feeding, and the kind of food which the horse naturally consumes’
Original watercolour painting of a scene of a man siting on the floor, sorting through hay. This painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864),...

4 – ‘The Teeth.- Their natural growth, and the abuses to which they are liable’
Original watercolour painting comparing the centre of two different incisors. This painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 137...

3 – ‘Shoeing.- is origin, its uses and its varieties’
Original watercolour painting showing two 'Arabian' shoes, one modern and one early version. This painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1864), page 91...

2 – ‘Physic.- The mode of administering it, and minor operations’
This series contains original watercolours that were used to create woodcut engravings for publication in Chapter II - 'Physic.- The mode of administering it, and minor operations' - of the 1864 Mayhew publication 'The Illustrated Horse Management'...

1 – ‘The body of the horse anatomically considered.’
Original watercolour painting. This painting was used to produce a woodcut engraving for print in Mayhew's 'The Illustrated Horse Management' (1964), page 1 ...