15 – “Operations”
Artworks include: "The present manner of casting a horse for an operation."; "Operations No 6"; "Tracheotomy under Difficulties"; "Tracheotomy No 3"; "Tracheotomy No 2"; "Periosteotomy - Fig 5"; "Periosteotomy Figures 1 to 4";...

14 – “Injuries.- Their Nature and their Treatment”
Artworks include: "Poll evil No 1 – The mode of carrying the head before any tumour appears denoting the existence of poll evil"; "Poll-evil 1st stage"; "Fistulous Withers' 1st Stage and 2nd Stage"; "Operations No. 1 & 2";...

13 – “The Feet.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Lameness No. 1"; "Lameness No. 2 & 3"; "Lameness No. 6 & 7"; "Sandcrack No.5 & No.1"; "Sandcrack No.2 & 3"; " Sandcrack No.4"; "False Quarter"; "Seedy Toe"; "Overreach and Tread"; "Diagrams Illustration the production of corn";...

12 – “Limbs.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Bone Spavin"; "Vessels appropriate to the shin & Foot of the Horse"; "A Spavin or a spint upon the inside of the leg and upon the top of the shin bone"; "The bones of a spavined Hock"; "The natural position of a hind leg in the easy trot - shewing three quarters of the hoof";...

11 – “Specific Diseases.- Their Varieties and their Treatment”
Artworks include: "Paroxysm of broken wind"; "Listening to the trachea of a horse"; "A spleen taken from a horse"; "Melanosis"; "the colours liable to melanosis"; "Water Farcy' 'a carters suprise"; "Purpura Haemorragica";...

10 – “The Skin.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'Mange'; 'Mange upon the head of an old white horse'; 'Purigo'; 'Ringworm'; 'Hidebound'; 'Larva' or Larva; 'Chest Tumour and Cracked Heel'; 'Swelling or Filling in the Leg';...

9 – “The Urinary Organs.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "General symptom of disease of the urinary organs"; "Nephritis - Test for Inflammation of the Kidneys"; "Test for inflammation of the bladder "; "Haematuria ".

8 – “The Abdomen.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: "Worms"; "Test for Enteritis"; "A quart syring for injecting the veins in Enteritis"; "Applying an Ammoniacal blister"; "Acute Dysentary"; "Acites"; "Influenza"; "Walking a Horse out after active measures during an attack of influenza"...

7 – “The Stomach, Liver etc.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Spasm of the Diaphram - The young man and the old Horse"; "Acute Gastritis"; "Chronic Gastritis"

6 – “The Chest and its Contents.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artwork including: "A steaming apparatus for diseases of the lungs"; "A Horse Dressed for Bronchitis"; "The Cough of Confirmed Bronchitis"; "Pneumonia. A Pleasant Sight"; "The Result of Pneumonia"; "Dropsy of the Chest or Hydro-Thorax";...

5 – “The Throat.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'Bearing Rein and No Bearing Rein'; 'A Horse having a sore throat drinking the water returning it by the nostril'; 'Cough'; 'An Eight Tailed Bandage'; 'A contrast displaying the alteration in the position of the head induced by the bearing rein';...

4 – “The Nostrils.- Their Accidents and Their Diseases.”
This series contains original watercolours that were used to create woodcut engravings for publication in the chapter 'The Mouth.- I's Accidents and its Diseases' of the 1860 Mayhew publication 'The Illustrated Horse Doctor'...

3 – “The Mouth.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'The chief art in riding is to…'; 'Excoriated angles of the mouth'; 'The Angle of the Mouth…'; 'A Parrot Mouth'; 'Burning for Lampas'; 'Mouth injured by rider pulling…'; 'Mouth injured by the bit'.

2 – “The Eyes.- Their Accidents and Their Diseases”
Artworks include: Shyers'; Simple Opthalmia'; Simple Opthalmia - an eye showing the lasting marks of the lash'; Specific Opthalmia'; Specific Opthalmia- 'the upper lid inverted in Specific Opthalmia'; ...

1 – “The Brain and Nervous System. Their Accidents and their diseases.”
Artworks include: Megrims, out for a pleasant drive'; Phrenitis'; Sleepy Staggers'; Mad Staggers'; Head of a Horse with Hydrophobia' and 'The Last Stage of Hydrophobia'; Showing how far an animal with the disease [tetanus] is capable of motion'; ...