14 – “Injuries.- Their Nature and their Treatment”
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Artworks include: "Poll evil No 1 – The mode of carrying the head before any tumour appears denoting the existence of poll evil"; "Poll-evil 1st stage"; "Fistulous Withers' 1st Stage and 2nd Stage"; "Operations No. 1 & 2";...

13 – “The Feet.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Lameness No. 1"; "Lameness No. 2 & 3"; "Lameness No. 6 & 7"; "Sandcrack No.5 & No.1"; "Sandcrack No.2 & 3"; " Sandcrack No.4"; "False Quarter"; "Seedy Toe"; "Overreach and Tread"; "Diagrams Illustration the production of corn";...

12 – “Limbs.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Bone Spavin"; "Vessels appropriate to the shin & Foot of the Horse"; "A Spavin or a spint upon the inside of the leg and upon the top of the shin bone"; "The bones of a spavined Hock"; "The natural position of a hind leg in the easy trot - shewing three quarters of the hoof";...

11 – “Specific Diseases.- Their Varieties and their Treatment”
Artworks include: "Paroxysm of broken wind"; "Listening to the trachea of a horse"; "A spleen taken from a horse"; "Melanosis"; "the colours liable to melanosis"; "Water Farcy' 'a carters suprise"; "Purpura Haemorragica";...

10 – “The Skin.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'Mange'; 'Mange upon the head of an old white horse'; 'Purigo'; 'Ringworm'; 'Hidebound'; 'Larva' or Larva; 'Chest Tumour and Cracked Heel'; 'Swelling or Filling in the Leg';...

9 – “The Urinary Organs.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "General symptom of disease of the urinary organs"; "Nephritis - Test for Inflammation of the Kidneys"; "Test for inflammation of the bladder "; "Haematuria ".

8 – “The Abdomen.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: "Worms"; "Test for Enteritis"; "A quart syring for injecting the veins in Enteritis"; "Applying an Ammoniacal blister"; "Acute Dysentary"; "Acites"; "Influenza"; "Walking a Horse out after active measures during an attack of influenza"...

7 – “The Stomach, Liver etc.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artworks include: "Spasm of the Diaphram - The young man and the old Horse"; "Acute Gastritis"; "Chronic Gastritis"

6 – “The Chest and its Contents.- Their Accidents and their Diseases”
Artwork including: "A steaming apparatus for diseases of the lungs"; "A Horse Dressed for Bronchitis"; "The Cough of Confirmed Bronchitis"; "Pneumonia. A Pleasant Sight"; "The Result of Pneumonia"; "Dropsy of the Chest or Hydro-Thorax";...

5 – “The Throat.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'Bearing Rein and No Bearing Rein'; 'A Horse having a sore throat drinking the water returning it by the nostril'; 'Cough'; 'An Eight Tailed Bandage'; 'A contrast displaying the alteration in the position of the head induced by the bearing rein';...

4 – “The Nostrils.- Their Accidents and Their Diseases.”
This series contains original watercolours that were used to create woodcut engravings for publication in the chapter 'The Mouth.- I's Accidents and its Diseases' of the 1860 Mayhew publication 'The Illustrated Horse Doctor'...

3 – “The Mouth.- Its Accidents and its Diseases”
Artworks include: 'The chief art in riding is to…'; 'Excoriated angles of the mouth'; 'The Angle of the Mouth…'; 'A Parrot Mouth'; 'Burning for Lampas'; 'Mouth injured by rider pulling…'; 'Mouth injured by the bit'.

2 – “The Eyes.- Their Accidents and Their Diseases”
Artworks include: Shyers'; Simple Opthalmia'; Simple Opthalmia - an eye showing the lasting marks of the lash'; Specific Opthalmia'; Specific Opthalmia- 'the upper lid inverted in Specific Opthalmia'; ...

1 – “The Brain and Nervous System. Their Accidents and their diseases.”
Artworks include: Megrims, out for a pleasant drive'; Phrenitis'; Sleepy Staggers'; Mad Staggers'; Head of a Horse with Hydrophobia' and 'The Last Stage of Hydrophobia'; Showing how far an animal with the disease [tetanus] is capable of motion'; ...

Anatomical Artwork Scans
68 paintings depicting various sections of (mostly) horse limbs and organs, showing disease and damage. The artworks are mostly watercolours, and those that are dated or signed range from 1820-1848.