15 – Material relating to Smith’s work with Francis Galton, c.1897-1899
These papers were enclosed in the original file of Galton correspondence, but are undated, and not clearly attached to any of the letters. They include: undated letter to Smith from R Prince[?], Piershill Barracks, Edinburgh, regarding estimating the weight-carrying power of horses;...

14 – Postcard to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 17 Feb 1898
On this postcard, Galton writes with suggestions for Smith’s paper. He thanks Smith for his help, and writes that he has more photographs made by a friend.

13 – Postcard to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 16 Feb 1898
On this postcard, Galton writes to clarify a point he made in his last letter.

12 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 15 Feb 1898
In this letter Galton sends some enclosed notes on Smith’s paper on the weight-carrying power of the horse. He writes that he is not an expert on the subject, but suspects the paper is not suitable for the Royal Society...

11 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 12 Feb 1898
In this letter, Galton writes that he is well enough to continue work, and suggests alterations to the method of photographing horses for measurement...

10 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 28 Jan 1898
In this letter Galton writes to congratulate Smith on his medal. He mentions that he is ill in bed, and will write further when back at work.

9 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 26 Jan 1898
In this letter, Galton writes regarding Smith’s paper submitted to the Royal Society. He also asks about the use of a rope stretched across in front of a horse when photographed to aid measurement. Galton has made illustrative sketches in the letter...

8 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 18 Jan 1898
In this letter Galton writes in response to Smith asking about the height of the brisket (chest) of the horse. He also writes about the suggestion from a friend that...

7 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 13 Jan 1898
In this letter Galton thanks Smith, and returns his results from measurements. He comments on his method, and mentions learning from Captain Hayes about a possible improvement for measuring ‘fidgety’ horses...

6 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 7 Jan 1898
In this letter Galton sends Smith a copy of his article ‘Photographic Measurement of Horses and other animals’, which was published in ‘Nature’ 6 Jan 1898. The article is enclosed.

5 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 5 Jan 1898
In this letter Galton writes with feedback for Smith’s draft paper ‘Relation between the Weight of a Horse and its Weight-carrying Power’. Galton suggests that if Smith wants to submit it to the Royal Society, it will need to be shorter. He also mentions that his own article ‘Measurements of Horses by Photography’ will soon appear in ‘Nature’,...

4 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 15 Dec 1897
In this letter Galton asks Smith to let him know before he continues photographing and measuring horses, as he has simplified and improved his method. He also mentions that he is sending an enclosure to be read at the Royal Society. [This was not found at time of cataloguing]...

3 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 7 Dec 1897
In this letter, Galton suggests alterations to the position of photographing horses for measurement. He also mentions sending Smith (dog?) whistles, and suggesting Smith trial them on cats and children. He writes about experiments with sound, including using a whistle whilst visiting the zoo to observe its effect on animals...

2 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 1 Dec 1897
Galton writes to thank Smith for his help. He suggests amendments to the method of photographing horses for measurement. He asks Smith to send him samples of horse hair, in order to help him create an optical instrument to...

1 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Francis Galton, 27 Nov 1897
In this letter Galton writes that he is researching horses, and has looked at the records of the American Trotting Horse, which are currently quite inaccessible. He is writing to Smith to ask about measurement of horses,...