15 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 21 Feb 1914
Smith writes to thank Bullock for identifying the author of the Blundeville quote in the previous letter [Reginald Scot?]. Smith also mentions the work of Mascall, and comparing the Sloane manuscript 686 and Trinity...

14 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 19 Feb 1914
Smith writes about various subjects including: his ill health; sourcing a quote by Blundeville regarding nightmares.

13 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 19 Feb 1914
Bullock writes about the results of his research into the work of Corte, and the dates of Blundeville. Attached are manuscript notes on the subjects, using sources including T Bedingfield. Translations of works by Grisone...

12 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 18 Feb 1914
Smith writes about various research subjects including: Moule's comments on works by Corte regarding the horse; Corte in the employ of Queen Elizabeth I; date of Blundeville's death. Smith mentions that he is still in...

11 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 17 Feb 1914
Smith writes to thank Bullock for notes and translations, and apologises for extra work whilst he is in ill health.

10 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 15 Feb 1914
Smith writes that he is still confined to bed, due to ill health. He asks Bullock to write to Moule on his behalf regarding exchange of articles and an introduction to an Italian officer. Smith also asks Bullock to contact...

9 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 13 Feb 1914
Smith writes about various subjects including: sending copies of his articles to Sir William Osler, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, and President of the Historical Section of the Medical Society; the work of Corte...

8 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 11 Feb [1914]
Smith writes to thank Bullock for notes from Sloane manuscripts [at the British Museum], and will send them to Dr A S Lea for comparison at Cambridge. Smith also mentions Grisone, and his absence from history...

7 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 10 Feb 1914
Smith writes to ask Bullock to arrange to view some manuscripts [not named], and write extracts from them. Smith mentions that he is confined to his bed due to ill health.

6 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 6 Feb 1914
Smith writes with various questions and requests of Bullock including: information about [Claudio] Corte; the dates of various titles held in the Library of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; French translations of...

5 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 3 Feb 1914
Smith writes about various research subjects including works by, and information about, Fiaschi, Blundeville, Konrad Gesner, Petrus Naaldwyck, and Scacco. Smith also writes about the typesetting of the pamphlet copies...

4 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 30 Jan 1914
Smith writes to ask Bullock to research several sources in the British Museum including works by Thomas Garzoni, F Grisone, Pignatelli, Scacco and Petrus Naaldwyck.

3 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 28 Jan 1914
Smith writes about the effects of bringing surplus Remount horses back to Great Britain after the end of the War in South Africa [Second Anglo-Boer War]. He is searching for sources about the decision not to consult...

2 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 25 Jan 1914
Smith writes to thank Bullock for his notes regarding a manuscript held at Trinity College [Cambridge?], and that he may get a photograph of it. Smith also says that he has given up his search for 'Properties and Medeycines...

1 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 5 Jan 1914
Smith writes to ask Bullock to search for 'Properties and Medeycines for a Horse' in the catalogues of the London Library, the Royal Institution and the Antiquary Society. He mentions that he is also considering sending...