15 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 4 Mar 1913
Bullock writes about various subjects including: the works of Suidas the Historian [Suda], Fabricius, Apsyrtus; wars between Sarmatians, Goths, Scythians and Roman Empire during 5th and 4th centuries BC; contacting Leon Moule regarding his publications; the Huzard Library at Alfort...

14 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 3 Mar 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: the works of Suidas the Historian [Suda], Fabricius, Apsyrtus; wars between Sarmatians, Goths, Scythians and Roman Empire during 5th and 4th centuries BC; Smith's 'Early History of Veterinary Literature';...

13 – Postcard to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 27 Feb 1913
Bullock writes about the results of his research in various editions and translations of 'Hippiatrica', including works by Baranski, Jean Masse, Ruellius [Jean Ruel], Gryneus; and a catalogue of Greek manuscripts held at the...

12 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 26 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: works by Jean Masse, Leon Moule, Ruellius [Jean Ruel], and Gryneus relating to 'Hippiatrica'; the works of B E M Miller and Charles Victor Daremberg.

11 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 26 Feb 1913
Bullock writes about the results of his research on behalf of Smith. Subjects include the manuscripts held in the Vatican and those of San Germanensis and Cardinal Radulphus; the Library of Isaac Voss [Vossius]; the works of Montfaucon and Ruffus;...

10 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 25 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: various codices of 'Hippiatrica', listed in Montfaucon; Isaac Voss library in Leyden [Leiden, The Netherlands]; Sloane 745 manuscript at the British Museum; Henri Omont's catalogue...

9 – Postcard to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 20 Feb 1913
Bullock writes about the results of his research into the 'Hippiatrica' translation by Jean Masse, and works about 'Hippiatrica' by Montfaucon.

8 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 19 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: researching the works of Ammianus Marcellinus; sending articles to the printers; and visiting the library of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to view the first edition...

7 – Partial letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 16 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: John Pearson's preface to Hierocles; the work of Leon Moule; the library of Sir Thomas Phillips; the Jean Masse edition of 'Hippiatrica'...

6 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 13 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: researching the works of Monfaucon at the British Museum; manuscripts by Amoreux held at the Huzard Library; Sloane 745 manuscripts of 'Hippiatrica' at the British Museum...

5 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 13 Feb 1913
Bullock writes about various research subjects including: 'Hippiatrica' and its editions and translations; the works of Fabricius, Amoreux, Montfaucon, Heusinger and Suidas the Historian [Suda]; the Huzard Library...

4 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 12 Feb 1913
Smith writes to thank Bullock for notes on Fabricius and 'Hippiatrica', and for information about [Charles Frederic?] Heusinger. Smith mentions the works of Amoreux, Gryneus and Ruellius [Jean Ruel].

3 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 11 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various subjects including: researching the date of death of [Charles Frederic?] Heusinger; Encyclopeadia Britannica[?]; the works of Suidas the Historian [Suda]; and 'The Cambridge Medieval History';...

2 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 11 Feb 1913
Bullock writes about the results of his research at the British Museum, on behalf of Smith. He encloses several pages of notes (some in Latin) from the works of Fabricius' 'Bibliotheca Graeca' relating to 'Hippiatrica'...

1 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 9 Feb 1913
Smith writes about various research subjects including: the first part of 'Early History of Veterinary Literature' going to press; his lecture and article 'The Loss of Horses in War'; questioning whether to continue his annual subscription to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons;...