15 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 21 Sep 1919
Smith writes regarding correspondence with his publishers Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, and publishing another edition of his book 'Veterinary Physiology'. He thanks Bullock for translating a letter from Leon Moule...

14 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 16 Sep 1919
Smith writes to send a letter from his publishers Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, for Bullock to pass to his wife Janet. This letter was not found at time of cataloguing. Smith also mentions sending Bullock some correspondence relating to Leon Moule, part of an abstract...

13 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 31 Jul 1919
Smith writes about various subjects including: the proofreading and editing of Smith's 'Veterinary Physiology' by Bullock's wife, Janet; a book about hair patterns in animals in the Royal Veterinary College Library; photographing texts including Sir E Horne's 'Lectures on Comparative Anatomy', ...

12 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Janet Lindsay Bullock, 14 Jul 1919
Bullock writes regarding Smith's request for her to proofread his latest edition of 'Veterinary Physiology'. She discusses payment and other arrangements. She also mentions that her son [Wilfred] has recently had his tonsils removed.

11 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 14 Jul 1919
Bullock writes regarding information found in Boswell's 'Life of Johnson' regarding a 'manege' or riding school at the University of Oxford, in the 18th century.

10 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 23 Jun 1919
Smith writes regarding sending a letter to Leon Moule, for Bullock to translate. He also mentions visiting Bullock in the near future.

9 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 26 May 1919
Smith writes about various subjects including: sheets to be sent to Leon Moule; Smith moving house; Bullock's son being ill; translation of Chiron, its relation to Vegetius, and possibility of it being published by the Royal Society of Medicine;...

8 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 20 May 1919
Smith writes to ask Bullock to send enclosed sheets to various institutions and individuals, including British Museum, Library of the Royal Society, Bodleian Library Oxford, University Libary Cambridge, University Library Edinburgh, Trinity College Library Dublin, Sir Clifford Allbutt, Sir William Osler, and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons...

7 – Translation of letter from Nicola Checchia, 24 Mar 1919
Checchia writes regarding the work of Columbre, 'L'opera de manischalcia', and his own work[?] 'Psychology of Animals'. This is a translation into English by Fred Bullock. The original was not located at time of cataloguing.

6 – Letter to Frederick Smith from Fred Bullock, 22 Mar 1919
Bullock writes regarding the preface to Smith's 'Early History of Veterinary Literature' book, and translation of Chiron by himself and his wife Janet.

5 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 20 Mar 1919
Smith writes about various subjects including: translation of Chiron; German translation; Smith's Dervish scabbard; checking the preface to the book version of 'Early History of Veterinary Literature'...

4 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 16 Mar 1919
Smith writes regarding the horse in the Parthenon marble frieze, and various methods of horse riding. He thanks Bullock for telling him about Mr Howard of Dorking, [Surrey]. Smith also mentions looking at sources including an article by [Sir Thomas] Clifford Allbutt and works by Watkins-Pitchford...

3 – Copy letter to Dr Nicola Checcia [Checchia] from Fred Bullock, 13 Mar 1919
This letter is in French, and was presumably sent to Smith for his reference. The accompanying letter from Bullock to Smith has not been located.

2 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 12 Mar 1919
Smith writes thanking Bullock for his notes on Reigate and Horsham in Sussex. He also asks Bullock to send him references for works in the British Museum, for him to consult at a later date, including the 'British Medical Journal', 'Brain' journal, 'Hindu Achievements in Exact Science' by B K Sarkar, 'Studies in Literature' by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, and poems by Reverend Watkins-Pitchford...

1 – Letter to Fred Bullock from Frederick Smith, 10 Mar 1919
Smith writes regarding his search for a new place to live, discussing various places in Sussex, including Reigate, Horsham and Crowborough. He also asks Bullock to look for Professor Haycroft's papers in the Journal of Physiology...